Saturday, March 12, 2011

My Crafty Corner - The Journey Begins!

Inspired by all the ladies @ LSBS I have finally created my little dream crafty corner in our home.

Known on the plans as the "parents retreat", it is now my retreat for spending time crafting. Being a WAHM with two young bubs, time is precious and so I am hoping this blog will  motivate me to regularly make time for me & creating something. My goal for the rest of 2011 is to blog each week about my time spent crafting. I might not start or finish a project, but at least if I make the time to do something crafty I might get my "me time" in amongst the wonderful chaos that is our life! :-)


  1. What a lovely crafty spot you have Jay...looks very easy to sit & creat.
    Thank you for popping over & visiting me & your kind words too.
    Happy blogging!
